“Exploring Emerging Water Issues”
Henrico County Training Center, Henrico, Va.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
- Climate Change Impacts on Virginia’s Water Resources — Keynote address: Carl Hershner, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
- Panel: Harmful Algal Blooms, or HABs, occur when colonies of algae—simple plants that live in coastal waters, bays, and freshwater—grow out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds.
- The Virginia Harmful Algal Bloom Taskforce – Surveillance and Response to Protect Public Health — Margaret Smigo, Virginia Department of Health
- Storms, Algal Blooms, and Copper Sulfate Treatment in a Drinking Water Reservoir — Cal Buelo, University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences
- Development of Algal Monitoring Strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Region and Beyond: New Strategies and Technologies — Mike Selckmann, Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
- Virginia: A Future of Drought? — Richard Groover, Reynolds Community College, School of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
- Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program: Recent Projects Promoting Healthy Water Resources — Laura McKay, Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program
- More Than Brews: Water Effluent from the Brewhouse — Lisa Pumphrey, Lickinghole Creek Craft Beer
- Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative: Strengthening Connections between Citizen Science and Management Agencies — Lea Rubin, Izaak Walton League of America, and Liz Chudoba, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
- Boosting Residential Adoption of Stormwater Practices: A Case Study — Steve Raabe, OpinionWorks LLC
YSI, Inc.
Storm Water Systems, Inc.
Virginia Water Monitoring Council
Clean Virginia Waterways
Longwood University
Henrico County
Virginia Water Resources Research Center
Virginia Tech